Inside Out Shift Program
The Inside Out Shift Program Covers A Transformational Journey That Will Change Your Mindset, And Have You Take Actions Towards
The Business And Lifestyle You Really Want.

The Inside Out Shift program is a 3-month transformational program that gives you all the new insights needed to start questioning your beliefs. You will see things differently in ways you never thought possible before.
It will provide you the tools to develop new patterns and habits so you can shape your own future without limiting yourself.
You will get all the support needed throughout this journey so you can have the results you want. But more importantly you will have the ability after the program to make these changes permanent.
Meet Your Coach and Mentor
Johan, Creator Of InsideOut Shift

In a previous life, I was burning the candle at both ends. Like most people I kept doing the same things all over, looking for solutions outside myself. Which led to a spectacular burnout leaving me depleted, depressed, and dejected. This burnout turned out to be the wake-up call I needed. I realized that doing the same thing would only ever produce the same results, I also realized that this is not something I could do myself and the right help is needed.
This is when I went through the liberating experience of finding the right guidance and support which really transformed my life. I now coach and mentor others on how to avoid the same dangerous traps I fell into and FasTracks them into changing their own situation.
Over the course of 5 years I have created the “InsideOut Shift Program”,
which is a Transformational Program that helps business owners and entrepreneurs to scale by giving the right insights and implementing new habits in an efficient and effective way.
Explore The Power Of Inside Out Shift

The Inside Out Shift Program runs over the course of three months. It is a combination of learning, completing exercises, and coaching. It comprises of three major shifts with each its own 3 steps.
The first two shifts go over a period of 4 weeks. During this time you get access to online content and exercises to complete. It is also in this period that you will have access to a weekly group call to track your progress and ask questions. This way you will be held accountable for completing these two first shifts. They form the basis to proceed to shift three and cannot be overlooked.
The last shift takes 8 weeks and is supported by 1 on 1 coaching sessions. This is where the real magic happens and change will become part of your life.
Shift 1 : Learn New InsightsIn this shift you will learn all of the latest insights about how the mind works and how we create habits and behavior. It consists of three steps with all the information you will need to move forward. Everything is explained in an easy and fun way so they will stick. Discover how the brain works Understand why patterns exist Accept new realities
Shift 2 : Do Your IntrospectionShift 2 is all about starting with some real introspection. With all the gathered information from shift 1 you will now be able to find answers about yourself. You will complete all tasks following the underlying three steps. Analyse your thoughts, feelings and behavior. Question your beliefs and patterns. Change your perception.
Shift 3 : Start Your ImplementationNo results without action. This if where the magic starts. You will make some hard descions and take some bold action here. But no worries, you are not alone. Your back is covered. Completing the three steps will not only ensure you of a lasting change but also give you the tools to manage future obstacles. Commit to your vison and your why. Execute your new behavior patterns. Grow through Self Coaching.